
 (Stretches fingers)

This is my edited version using my experience with the TS3 isbi

Summary: A challenge where you can only control one person per generation known as the Torch Holder

Gameover: Technically the gameover is when your Torch Holder dies... but TS4 has so many ways to DIE - I wouldn't bet on that NOT happening to me. So instead, you know... it's the Crusader Kings rules - as long as you've got someone else still alive to take over, it's not OVER YET.

Mod/Cheats: The answer is not allowed for anything that directly affects the family. That is - using cheats to kill other sims, adding money, changing traits, fixing up needs or moods... Cheats that affect appearance or other non-gameplay related things are allowed.

There's flex though... if my frustrations make me have to use cheats then I was clearly forced into doing so and I'll just get a point penalty of -5. Sometimes it's just OUT of your control you know? ;)

The start: This is where you get yourself a founder. Whatever age, whatever gender, whatever you want really. This is your first Torch Holder and the only one you can control for a bit! In my case, I chose my lovely Tatiana Hadley.

Required trait: Now here's the thing, in TS3, every Torch Holder needed to have the insane trait. That was a great idea, I loved it, especially since you could have five traits.


In TS4 you're kind of limited to 3 and I don't want to lock a whole third of my trait options for every child.

I do really enjoy the concept of something genetic being passed down though. In this case, my founder, Tatiana Hadley, is a spellcaster and I've never really played with a spellcaster bloodline. So future Torch Holders need to be casters! That'll be my rule because uh... people who believe in magic... are insane?

Yeah... yeah that sounds legit.

Choosing a Torch Holder: It's flex because it's more fun that way. Choose yourself, or make a poll for your readers to choose! The rule I'll be following, is that when the next Torch Holder becomes a YA the torch gets passed on, on their birthday.

The Torch passing means you have to say goodbye to your previous one and let them figure out life on their own... Hopefully they learned from you... probably not

Hmm what else... oh yes let's talk-

BABIES: Obviously every generation needs children, and you need a minimum of two because you need a spare in case one dies. It happens too much 

Points: This is where I get lazy and just refer you guys to my spreadsheet.

My own personalized point system right there for y'all

Will probably get edited cause I lost steam and just dove into the game


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